Friday, October 3, 2008

Treycinn's a big boy

On October 1st, Treycinn became a big boy. :) We put him to bed, and not even a minute later he was walking out into the living room and crawling up into Sterling's lap... At first we thought Hailee had got him out of bed, but as soon as we put him back to bed, we weren't even out of the room yet and he had crawled out of his crib! Of course it was the funniest thing to watch, so we put him to bed 3 more times and watched him climb out. We were all laughing at him until he fell on his head...ok, it was time to take the side off and put the rails up. This is Trey's big boy bed!!! He is such a little booger that it took me an hour of putting him back into his bed over and over again, and finally having to sit right there by him, for him to stay in bed and fall asleep. We ended up with him in our bed in the middle of the night, but at least he didn't wake Hailee up for help out of his bed and us ending up with both of them sleeping with us! :)


Aimee said...

Hey guys! I didn't even know you had a blog but I accidently found Golden's and then found yours. Keep in touch ok? Love ya!

Vegas Anderson Clan said...

Ok, yes, so you have a blog. Now you need to update it for us who live so far away. Your kids are all so darling. Please tell them I say hello and not to forget about me. :) I really want to come up for a visit again. Hopefully soon as the weather warms up. I really hate going north this time of year. Come see us you all.

Vegas Anderson Clan said...

Oh go to my blog and leave me your e-mail address so I can invite you to view our blog since I am private.